We heard Mouflon all around us in the woods, baaahing as they got ready to come into the meadow to eat. We heard rams butting in the woods too. We were looking left, when a group broke out from the right. There were 2 rams. This one, and one of the young 2-year olds. They were trotting along the field, jousting and playing around. The young one broke right, and this one came up 80-100 meters away. The guide said, its a good one, shoot! I lined up my Savage 116 rifle in .30-06 on the edge of the high seat window, and took a good look through my scope on about 10x. He was coming up the slope towards us about 100m away, so I waited for him to turn so I would not accidentaly strike his horn. Trophies have been runined that way. If they got any closer they might scent us in the swirling, changable wind. I lined up on his shoulder and squeezed the trigger. I put the 165 grain Nosler Partition bullet into the shoulder and it went the length of the body and did not exit. Quick and efficient. He trotted to the edge of the woods, and ducked into the trees and died within 10 m of the tree line.
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