Through the mist, you can make out the castle as our triumphant party makes the
climb up the hill
The castle spires rise above the trees. A magnificent location, it would be easy
to defend, difficult to attack. Seige, however is always a workable tool.
The front gates with sentry statues
The view from below. Imagine that you are looking up, and we have bows, spears,
and hot oil...
The central courtyard
Back up the courtyard
Every castle needs a chapel. What a nice view to pray to God from.
The view down over woods and fields. You command all that you survey...
A small park built upon the walls of the castle, provides a bit of respite from the
day's troubles of making your living off of the backs of the poor, whom you own.
Knighting a feel
A lovely spiral staircase out in a small courtyard formed between the inner and
outer walls.
Each castle proudly displays a coat of arms or a symbol to depict who owns the