This is the sort of scrubby brush veldt that you have in the area. This grass is comparatively tame to walk in compared to the bushveldt areas which are full of thorny acacia trees
 Thornbush on the horizon
 Free-range donkey, the other, other, other red meat.
 This is cattle country. Most of the area we hunted on was huge cattle ranches of 40-60,000 hectares (100,000 acres and more)
 The two fox terriers that accompany the hunting trucks. Fuchs (fox) on the left and Snip on the right.
 Baboons and Kudu hide in these hills.
 The roads are mostly sand
 Dale at ease in the truck
 I shot a baboon off of the left side of this boulder mass at the top of a kopje or hill. I shot off shooting sticks at a range of 280 yards. The baboon dropped to the shot.
 Martin, Matt and I head up the hill to find the baboon. We found a good blood trail, but ran out of light before we found the carcass.