The police Anti-Poaching unit returned the next day to look for the poachers.
 This is a Social Weaver bird nest in an acacia tree. They build "apartments" of individual nests for 40-100 birds in a cluster on trees.
 While stalking Gemsbok, we were shadowed by an Ostrich for at least a quarter of a mile, before he finally veered off.
 Young Gemsbok peer over the grass.
Their horns grow immediately at birth, and young gemsbok look proportionally the same as adults. Many hunters have been fooled spotting a young one in the field, and thought it a mature animal.
One giveaway is the whitish color of the horns, which gradually turns black by age 5-8 when mature. When they get past 10 years of age, the horns start to crack.
 Hartebeest on the horizon, at least 40 good animals out there in this herd.
 This is a female Steenbock (brick deer) which you could often see along the roads. Weighing around 25 pounds, there are very small antelope.
 Mountain Zebra