Dale and Corney on the prowl for Gemsbok
 A Suricat, like Timon from "Lion King"
 Snippy trails some game.
 One of the corrals we tried to drive through had an Ostrich drinking water. Martin had to chase it out after we backed the bakkie up a long way.
 A nice young Kudu bull, well too young to hoot. Awfully pretty to watch, though. His horns should get 2 1/2 spirals rather than the single spiral they have now.
 More Kudus from a bachelor herd.
 Kudus licking salt and drinking.
 Dad shot a nice Oryx.
 Their hair raises up when they die.
In life, they use this mechanism to trap dew when ground water is not available. Dew condenses on the hairs. Then they can lick it off.
 Martin and Corney pose the Oryx for the trophy photographs.
 Dad and I. Team effort