Getting out kicks
Standing on the corner
In Winslow Arizona
Mural includes girl (My Lord) in flatbed Ford as well as an Eagle
A real flatbed Ford, a '50s F500
On the other corner
Main street, circa 2010.
The backside of the mural is now empty space
How they reclaimed the space
Souveniers abound
Getting the band back together, circa '79
Amtrak Station
The track side of the Amtrak station
Pretty sparse inside
Railstock in the yard, disused.
Pullman car
Canadian rail car
Mostly cargo. One train carries passengers East in the morning another West in the evening. The other 50-75 trains a day are BNSF cargo.
Formerly the La Posada garage for rental cars
Sometimes there's just not enough rocks
Cool antenna against the sky